There is no formula to it because writing every song, for me, is a little journey. The first note has to lift you and make you go, 'What's this?' You play C, but why is it that one day it leads to G and it didn't yesterday? I don't know. It's everything. It's the walk you take in the morning, it's the night before, the meeting with people, landscapes, the chats, all of that evolves in some way into melody, but I'm not sure how it's going to happen. I'm dealing with the unknown all the time and that is exciting.
EnyaMy core beliefs revolve around the idea that we should live to the best of our abilities-we should live and let live.
EnyaI could have been more famous if I did all the glitzy things, but celebrity always seemed so unnecessary.
EnyaI'm not one for walking the beaches humming a melody. I love the discipline of sitting in the studio, writing and listening. That is my domain.
EnyaWhen I was growing up, I'd be in the choir. My mum was the organist in the church, so I'd sing in the church.