The birth of the new constitutes a crisis, and its mastery calls for a crude and simple cast of mind -- the mind of a fighter -- in which the virtues of tribal cohesion and fierceness and infantile credulity and malleability are paramount. Thus every new beginning recapitulates in some degree man's first beginning.
Eric HofferThe real persuaders are our appetites, our fears and above all our vanity. The skillful propagandist stirs and coaches these internal persuaders.
Eric HofferIt is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay.
Eric HofferIt is the around-the-corner brand of hope that prompts people to action, while the distant hope acts as an opiate.
Eric HofferNever have the young taken themselves so seriously, and the calamity is that they are listened to and deferred to by so many adults.
Eric HofferThe ignorant are a reservoir of daring. It almost seems that those who have yet to discover the known are particularly equipped for dealing with the unknown. The unlearned have often rushed in where the learned feared to tread, and it is the credulous who are tempted to attempt the impossible. They know not whither they are going, and give chance a chance.
Eric Hoffer