The Word of God is a treasure map. That treasure map is the most valuable thing you have until you get to that treasure.
Eric LudyWe've been so concerned about being cool, relevant, and fun that we have forgotten to be bread, light, and life to a hungry, dark, and dying world.
Eric LudyWhen you crash into the living God, the encounter is certain to renovate every square inch of your life's boat.
Eric LudyGod is not interested in you doing this for Him, He is interested in doing things THROUGH you.
Eric LudyWe as young men need just one of our peers to stand up and trust his God completely and without reserve. We need just one who will start climbing the rugged mountain cliffs in the direction of his King. We need just one to hear the call of the wild, to charge the fields of Bannockburn and fight for something that really matters. I appeal to you, as a young man, to consider that throughout history, it has often been when one young man stood up to be counted that the course of a nation was forever altered.
Eric Ludy