Philosophy springs from the love of being; it is man's loving endeavor to perceive the order of being and attune himself to it. Gnosis desires dominion over being; in order to seize control of being the Gnostic constructs his system. The building of systems is a gnostic form of reasoning, not a philosophical one.
Eric VoegelinThe problem of an eidos in history, hence, arises only when a Christian transcendental fulfillment becomes immanentized. Such an immanentist hypostasis of the eschaton, however, is a theoretical fallacy.
Eric VoegelinThe course of history as a whole is no object of experience; history has no eidos, because the course of history extends into the unknown future.
Eric VoegelinGnostic politics is self-defeating in so far as its disregard for the structure of reality leads to continuous warfare.
Eric Voegelin