Art keeps one young, I think, because it keeps one perpetually a beginner, perpetually a child.
Erica JongI think a lot of people, when they read about a woman who acknowledges her sexuality and her feelings, get really scared. They say they want to be fearless, but in reality they're terrified. If they acknowledge their deepest feelings, they might have to change their lives.
Erica JongI think men have always been afraid of women's sexuality, and the restrictions they put on women testify to that.
Erica JongThe bruise on the heart which at first feels incredibly tender to the slightest touch eventually turns all the shades of the rainbow and stops aching. We forget about it. We even forget we have hearts until the next time. And then we wonder how we ever could have forgotten. We think this one is better, because, in fact, we cannot fully remember the time before.
Erica Jong