I hope we don't have to keep going back over the same territory and winning the same rights over and over again. The battle for birth control. The battle for abortion. The parity of women's health. It's very depressing to think that you win these rights, but then you have to win them again, and again, and again, and fight the same battles over and over.
Erica JongIsn't that the problem? That women have been swindled for centuries into substituting adornment for love, fashion (as it were) for passion?
Erica JongSomeday every woman will have orgasms- like every family has color TV- and we can all get on with the business of life.
Erica Jongtis true that tho' People can transcend their Characters in Times of Tranquillity, they can ne'er do so in Times of Tumult.
Erica Jong