Yes, O Great One, I shall do as you command. Then when we come back empty-pawed, you'll admit I was right." - Squirrelflight to Brambleclaw
Erin HunterThank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me. This is a good place to die. I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be.
Erin HunterBrightpaw's eye opened and she fixed a cloudy gaze on Fireheart. "What happened?" he repeated. "What did this?" A thin wailing came from Brightpaw, which gradually formed into words. Fireheart stared at her in horror as he made out what she was trying to say. "Pack, pack," she whispered. "Kill, kill.
Erin Hunter