Bumblestripe: “I think we showed them.” Hazeltail: “Showed them what? How much blood can be spilled in a pointless battle?
Erin HunterDoveWing (talking to LoinBlaze): You got somthing wrong, what you said to ToadStep. You are the hero.
Erin HunterBeing Tigerstar's son has meant I've had to win the trust of every ThunderClan cat over and over. So I know how frustrating it is when you have to prove something that shouldn't need proving.
Erin HunterBrightpaw's eye opened and she fixed a cloudy gaze on Fireheart. "What happened?" he repeated. "What did this?" A thin wailing came from Brightpaw, which gradually formed into words. Fireheart stared at her in horror as he made out what she was trying to say. "Pack, pack," she whispered. "Kill, kill.
Erin Hunter