Only the ship is made of books, its sails thousands of overlapping pages, and the sea it floats upon is dark black ink.
Erin MorgensternI don;t think there's anything wrong with being a dreamer. There is not. But dreams have ways of turning into nightmares.
Erin MorgensternThey say it's darkest before the dawn, but it also tend to be quietest, and the quiet lets you hear yourself better.
Erin MorgensternWidge can see the past." Poppet says suddenly. "That's why his stories are so good." "The past is easier," Widget says. "It's already there." "In the stars?" Bailey asks. "No." Widget says. "On people. The past stays on you the way powdered sugar stays on fingers. Some people can get rid of it but it's still there, the events and t hings that pushed you to where you are now.
Erin Morgenstern