Continue your quest by taking the test. Yes, but what test? What test was I supposed to take? The Kobayashi Maru? The Pepsi Challenge? Could the clue have been any more vague?
Ernest ClineEverybody has this fond association with the car from Back to the Future, but most people have never seen one. I've seen people drive off the berm trying to take pictures. It ends up being dangerous.
Ernest ClineI was one of the boys who made passes at girls who wore glasses. Any girl who was smarter than me - that was a huge turn-on.
Ernest ClineI've heard Stephen King say that when you write a novel you end up revealing everything about yourself.
Ernest ClineSteven Spielberg making a Ready Player One movie is going to change the course of human history as pertains to how quickly virtual reality is adopted. He's going to shows the whole world the potential of VR, which is one of the reasons I think he's doing it. Once you have to compose for 360 degrees, and a movie is different every time you watch it depending on where you choose to look, it's like the dawn of a new era.
Ernest Cline