Understand that workaholics aren't productive people. Quite the contrary. A workaholic is someone who takes twice as much time to accomplish half as much as a Lazy Achiever.
Ernie J ZelinskiIf you believe that happiness can be bought, then why don't you try selling some of yours?
Ernie J ZelinskiRetirement is the last opportunity for individuals to reinvent themselves, let go of the past, and find peace and happiness within.
Ernie J ZelinskiAnyone can achieve something important. Contrary to popular belief, the key is not hard work, but finding the right thing to achieve.
Ernie J ZelinskiHere is a myth for you if myths are your pleasure: "There is no more opportunity in this world." Most people held this false belief fifty years ago, the majority agreed with it five years ago, and practically everyone clings to it today. Clearly, this myth will also be the screaming rage in the future. Hang on to this myth, and you are destined to miss great opportunities for the rest of your life.
Ernie J Zelinski