Would you be willing to give your life to save the world if no one ever knew your name? If anonymity was the price you would have to pay for significance, would it be too great a price? To live a life of courage is not a guarantee of prestige or adulation. It only matters if you live and die fulfilling the mission you were born for.
Erwin McManusThe future belongs to those who have the courage to create it. We need a new humanity. We need a new expression of community. We need the Church to bring the world together. This makes me excited.
Erwin McManusA person God himself deems as wise is one who not only hears His voice, but immediately begins to act upon His instruction.
Erwin McManusTalent doesn't win. Hard work, determination, and character wins. If you root your talent and ability in those things, then you have a powerful combination.
Erwin McManus