It is essential that you realize that you are nothing in yourself. If you are rich and satisfied, you cannot receive anything from God. It is frightful to meet that spirit in a person. It totally hinders all spiritual growth and development.
Esther SmithThe Bible says, Be anxious for nothing, and that is a commandment! I took up a battle in this area, fought my way through and avoided having to be anxious! You can agonize over something for ages and plague yourself and those around you. It's much better to fight your way through as soon as it comes up.
Esther SmithWe must remain in love and develop in love; that must be the compelling force in our lives. It is possible to love everyone. When you sense you lack love, you must quite simply pray.
Esther SmithEnvy makes people lonely, and brings them great suffering. It is horrible stuff to have in our flesh, and it is a sin we need to take deadly seriously.
Esther Smith