The worst is when men try too hard, because it's not very masculine. Your outfit has to look like 'Oh, I just grabbed that.' Not too calculated. Jeans, a t-shirt: the simpler the better.
Eva GreenI'm a dark blonde, yes. I dyed my hair blue, then black, when I was 14. I thought the colour was more flattering and matched my skin tone. I don't think I'd ever change back unless it was for a film.
Eva GreenMy mother did movies from the New Wave, but I was quite shocked I didn't know much about that period. Bernado showed us film of the demonstrations of the time.
Eva GreenI'd rather be thought as an international actress rather than a French one. Because I don't know what's coming up for me, my ambition is not to be typecast. So I'm working on my English accent, as well as my American one. I don't want to be like 'Okay, I'm French, and I want to succeed in Hollywood!'
Eva Green