The message I'm trying to send is that technology is political, and that many decisions that look like decisions about technology actually are not at all about technology - they are about politics, and they need to be scrutinized as closely as we would scrutinize decisions about politics.
Evgeny MorozovIn short, Google prefers a world where we consistently go to three restaurants to a world where our choices are impossible to predict.
Evgeny MorozovI'm rarely invited to start-up parties, but who cares about their trinkets and apps anyway?
Evgeny MorozovMaking loans accessible to millions of the previously unbankable customers is a noble goal. Getting them hooked to such loans isn't.
Evgeny MorozovYou know, it's not a given that there is an 'online' and 'offline' world out there. When you use the telephone, you don't say that I'm entering some 'telephono-sphere.' You don't say that, and there is no obvious need to say that when you are using a modem.
Evgeny Morozov