In short, Google prefers a world where we consistently go to three restaurants to a world where our choices are impossible to predict.
Evgeny MorozovAs economic life relies more and more on the Internet, the potential for small bands of hackers to launch devastating attacks on the world economy is growing.
Evgeny MorozovThe Egyptian experience suggests that social media can greatly accelerate the death of already dying authoritarian regimes.
Evgeny MorozovI draw a distinction between freedom of the internet and freedom via the internet. In the first case, it's making sure cyberspace is not over regulated and people can say what they want without fear of repercussions. But that's different from this freedom via the internet notion, which is often touted by all sorts of conservatives and neoconservatives who want young people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world to use Facebook and Twitter and then go oppose their governments.
Evgeny Morozov