The summer of 1830 I... blasted the tunnel through the rock to take water from the dam above the falls for the mill... In 1831 we lowered the tunnel four feet, and built a new dam across the creek.
Ezra CornellThere is nothing I have to reflect on that gives me more satisfaction than the fact that my life is insured for the benefit of my Dear Wife and children.
Ezra CornellI have always considered that choosing a companion for life was a very important affair and that my happyness or misery in this life depended on the choice.
Ezra CornellI was glad to hear of that determination as I detest the practice of cousins marrying or any marriage between persons in which there can be traced the most distant relationship. I go for the improvement instead of the deterioration of our race.
Ezra CornellAs for the Pope, I am too old to be frightened by his shadow, and am quite sure his shadow or Substance will do less harm to the liberties of my country than will a party, who seek to acquire political power by exciting religious bigotry in the minds of their duped followers.
Ezra CornellIn 1844, there was a balance of perhaps of a couple of thousand dollars on the cr side.
Ezra CornellYesterday I staked off the ground on the hill for an orchard. I want to get 1000 apple trees agrowing.
Ezra CornellI have a fine lot of telescopes. I have one with which I can see the Mountains in the Moon.
Ezra CornellI read the book with interest, but when Jackson was a candidate in 1828 for the Presidency, I opposed him and voted for Adams. I favored a protective tariff.
Ezra Cornell