In justice to human society it may perhaps be said of almost all the polities and civil institutions in the world, however imperfect, that they have been founded in and carried on with very considerable wisdom.
Ezra StilesLet a bill, or law, be read, in the one branch or the other, every one instantly thinks how it will affect his constituents.
Ezra StilesIt gives me pleasure to find that public liberty is effectually secured in each and all the policies of the United States, though somewhat differently modeled.
Ezra StilesBesides a happy policy as to civil government, it is necessary to institute a system of law and jurisprudence founded in justice, equity, and public right.
Ezra StilesBut Connecticut and Rhode Island have originally realized the most perfect polity as to a legislature.
Ezra StilesAll the forms of civil polity have been tried by mankind, except one, and that seems to have been reserved in Providence to be realized in America. Most of the states, of all ages ...have been founded in rapacity, usurpation, and injustice; so that in the contests recorded in history ...the military history of all nations being but a description of the wars and invasions of the mutual robbers and devastators of the human race.
Ezra Stiles