She saw him the first day on board, and then her heart sank into her shoes as she realized at last how much she wanted him. No matter what his past was, no matter what he had done. Which was not to say that she would ever let him know, but only that he moved her chemically more than anyone she had ever met, that all other men seemed pale beside him.
F. Scott Fitzgeraldi'm a slave to my emotions, to my likes, to my hatred of boredom, to most of my desires
F. Scott FitzgeraldI am too much a moralist at heart, and really want to preach at people in some acceptable form, rather than entertain them.
F. Scott FitzgeraldModern life... changes no longer century by century, but year by year, ten times faster than it ever has before-populations doubling, civilizations unified more closely with other civilizations, economic interdependence, racial questions, and-we're dawdling along. My idea is that we've got to go very much faster.
F. Scott FitzgeraldWhat'll we do with ourselves this afternoon,' cried Daisy, 'and the day after that, and the next thirty years?' 'Don't be morbid,' Jordan said. 'Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.' 'But it's so hot,' insisted Daisy, on the verge of tears, 'And everything's so confused. Let's all go to town!
F. Scott Fitzgerald