Intermittently she caught the gist of his sentences and supplied the rest from her subconscious, as one picks up the striking of a clock in the middle with only the rhythm of the first uncounted strokes lingering in the mind.
F. Scott Fitzgeraldgood manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handle with gloves.
F. Scott FitzgeraldBaltimore is warm but pleasant... I belong here, where everything is civilized and gay and rotted and polite.
F. Scott FitzgeraldThe cleverly expressed opposite of any generally accepted idea is worth a fortune to somebody.
F. Scott FitzgeraldIn a few days I'll have lived one score and three days in this vale of tears. On I plod-always bored, often drunk, doing no penance for my faults-rather do I become more tolerant of myself from day to day, hardening my crystal heart with blasphemous humor and shunning only toothpicks, pathos, and poverty as being the three unforgivable things in life.
F. Scott Fitzgerald