To support whatever is right, and to bring in justice where weve had so much injustice.
Fannie Lou HamerIn fact, one day I was going to Jackson and I saw a huge sign that U.S. Senator John Stennis was speaking that night for the White Citizens Council in Yazoo City and they also have a State Charter that they may set up for "private schools." It is no secret.
Fannie Lou HamerI believe in Christianity because the Scriptures said: "The things that have been done in the dark will be known on the house tops."
Fannie Lou Hamerjust because people are fat, it doesn't mean they are well fed. The cheapest foods are the fattening ones, not the most nourishing.
Fannie Lou HamerNot only have we paid the price with our names in ink, but we have also paid in blood. And they can't say that black people can't be intelligent, because going back to Africa, in Guinea, there are almost 4 million people there and what he, President [Sekou] Toure, is doing to educate the people: as long as the French people had it they weren't doing a thing that is being done now.
Fannie Lou Hamer