And of course, pop music is all about memorability and simplicity and positive messages and a little dash of joy.
FeistI had to let myself imagine a calendar with no lines; when every single day is being predetermined six months in advance, there's no more fluidity to time.
FeistYou just never set roots; you take pleasure in simple conversations, because you know you're not going to have much more than that. It's very isolating, and that can be a good thing.
FeistBut that constant adjustment and adaptation to your new environment, all the variables are the same. There's always a promoter, there's always a rider, there's always a shower, and there's always a stage.
FeistI like being swept up in weather and observing it as something beautiful and giant. It makes you feel so minute. The only thing as big as that are your thoughts about it, which can expand exponentially while your physical self is just trapped. It's a pretty awesome feeling, in the original sense of the word.