The number of lines of code a programmer can write in a fixed period of time is the same independent of the language used.
Fernando J. CorbatoBecause one has to be an optimist to begin an ambitious project, it is not surprising that underestimation of completion time is the norm.
Fernando J. CorbatoThe computer field is intoxicated with change. We have seen galloping growth over a period of four decades and it still does not seem to be slowing down. The field is not mature yet and already it accounts for a significant percentage of the Gross National Product both directly and indirectly.
Fernando J. CorbatoOne is faced with a dilemma: If one places total trust in all other users, one is vulnerable to the antisocial behavior of any malicious user consider the case of viruses. But if one tries to be totally reclusive and isolated, one is not only bored, but one's information universe will cease to grow and be enhanced by interaction with others. The result is that most of us operate in a complicated trade-off zone with various arrangements of trust and security mechanisms.
Fernando J. Corbato