When you become an adult you just make that transition and you're right... it's fun and exciting to be an adult and exciting to have independence, but once you're out from under the cover of your family's protection and love, you sort of have to take a step back and come to terms with the fact that you won't really ever have that again in the same way. You'll never be a kid again.
Fernando TorresYou have to know what club you are playing for, or you just play for yourself. Every time I put on a Liverpool shirt, I know it is more than just a football game.
Fernando TorresFootball is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team, and every individual is better if we are part of the team.
Fernando TorresMy head is in Liverpool and on helping save our season. I am professional and I always fulfil my deals. I haven't considered leaving, although in football that depends on the club.
Fernando Torres