I caved in to what people wanted me to do. I thought that they weren't going to like me if I didn't.
Fiona AppleI think that, y'know, they seem to really love music, which means they'll stick with it. I think that Hanson could be really good in a few years, actually!
Fiona AppleYou know, I've always thought that it would be really funny if somebody made a romantic comedy where absolutely everything went well from beginning to end.
Fiona AppleThere aren't many poster children for cool angst. Everybody thinks it's cool if you're the bad girl.
Fiona AppleFor me, the best times are always going to be the most intense, the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Fiona AppleI got a lot of problems, but I'm really good at intuiting what I need to do to be happy with whatever I create. I know when to stop myself, I know when to start, I know when to leave something alone. I guess I just kind of indulge that completely, and so I just take my time.
Fiona AppleI'm not used to not having enough time to live with the songs. Usually, if I write something, I live with it for a little while.
Fiona AppleIf I were to imagine myself as an idler wheel inside some big mix of gears, then I would be connected to everything. It's not like there's just me and then nothing.
Fiona AppleWhen I watch TV, and TCM isn't on, I just switch channels and look at all the information about everything. The internet is perfect for that, which is why I didn't really want to get a computer in the first place. I thought, "If I have a computer and know about this whole Google thing, I am not going to be able to sit still for a second; I'm going to think about something and then have to look it up." I have never bought myself a computer or a phone, but guys in my life have bought them for me, for whatever reason. So now I have them.
Fiona AppleThere were songs I would write about breaking up with somebody before I broke up with them, months and months before I broke up with them.
Fiona AppleI don't mind making a fool of myself. I felt like people would be accepting of that because, to me, that seems like an interesting way to do a show. I've always thought that it's interesting to watch people work things out on stage.
Fiona AppleMy whole life, people have been saying, "Why are you so angry?" and I didn't know what the hell they were talking about. After I saw myself at the MTV Awards, I realized, Wow, I do kind of come off a bit intense. I wasn't upset at MTV at all - I didn't mean to come off that way. But I think it's good if I appeared a bit angry. People are too complacent.
Fiona AppleThis world is bullshit. And you shouldn't model your life — wait a second — you shouldn't model your life about what you think that we think is cool and what we're wearing and what we're saying and everything. Go with yourself. Go with yourself.
Fiona AppleWhen you feel things deeply and you think about things a lot and you think about how you feel, you learn a lot about yourself.
Fiona AppleIf women want to be appreciated for what we're saying, we've got to wear turtlenecks and long pants.
Fiona AppleThe truth is it's fun to be up there and know that you're in your underwear. Even though I know I'm exploiting my sexuality in a certain way, it's fun! It boosts my ego.
Fiona AppleI resent limitations. I'm going to be this way for a while, and then the funny side of me is going to come out. Slowly, people are going to realize they're seeing a completely honest evolution of human life.
Fiona AppleI want to be able to do whatever I feel like doing and not worry about anything. Even when I was a kid, the only contemporary artist I listened to was Cyndi Lauper.
Fiona Apple