I have what passes for an education in this day and time, but I am not deceived by it.
Flannery O'ConnorI distrust pious phrases, especially when they issue from my mouth. I try militantly never to be affected by the pious language of the faithful but it is always coming out when you least expect it. In contrast to the pious language of the faithful, the liturgy is beautifully flat.
Flannery O'ConnorI don't deserve any credit for turning the other cheek as my tongue is always in it.
Flannery O'ConnorI feel that whatever virtues the novel may have are very much connected with the limitations you mention. I am not writing a conventional novel, and I think that the quality of the novel I write will derive precisely from the peculiarity or aloneness, if you will, of the experience I write from.
Flannery O'Connor