Elizabeth Hardwick told me once that all her first drafts sounded as if a chicken had written them. So do mine for the most part.
Flannery O'ConnorI have found, in short, from reading my own writing, that my subject in fiction is the action of grace in territory largely held by the devil. I have also found that what I write is read by an audience which puts little stock either in grace or the devil. You discover your audience at the same time and in the same way that you discover your subject, but it is an added blow.
Flannery O'ConnorYour beliefs will be the light by which you see, but they will not be what you see and they will not be a substitute for seeing.
Flannery O'ConnorEven a child with normal feet was in love with the world after he had got a new pair of shoes.
Flannery O'Connor