Any woman who still thinks marriage is a fifty-fifty proposition is only proving that she doesn't understand either men or percentages.
Florynce KennedyBeing a mother is a noble status, right? Right. So why does it change when you put 'unwed' or 'welfare' in front of it?
Florynce KennedyOppressed people are frequendy very oppressive when first liberated. And why wouldn't they be? They know best two positions. Somebody's foot on their neck or their foot on somebody's neck.
Florynce KennedyThe question arises whether all lawyers are the same. This is like asking whether everything that gets into a sewer is garbage.
Florynce KennedyHorizontal hostility may be expressed in sibling rivalry or in competitive dueling which wrecks not only office tranquility or suburban domesticity but also some radical political groups and, it must be sadly said, some women's liberation groups. ... [it is] misdirected anger that rightly should be focused on the external causes of oppression.
Florynce Kennedy