Any woman who still thinks marriage is a fifty-fifty proposition is only proving that she doesn't understand either men or percentages.
Florynce KennedyOppressed people are frequendy very oppressive when first liberated. And why wouldn't they be? They know best two positions. Somebody's foot on their neck or their foot on somebody's neck.
Florynce KennedyThe spending of our tax dollars by the Pentagon represents the greatest social disease of our country; I call it Pentagonorrhea.
Florynce KennedyA liberation struggle is like a struggle against dirt. No matter what type of bath you takein three weeks you'll smell like you've never seen a bathtub. What we don't understand about a liberation struggle is you never win it, any more than you "win" clean dishes. As soon as you eat on them, the dishes are dirty again.
Florynce Kennedy