Covetousness, like a candle ill made, smothers the splendor of a happy fortune in its own grease.
Frances OsborneWhen you speak to any, especially of quality, look them full in the face; other gestures betraying want of breeding, confidence, or honesty; dejected eyes confessing, to most judgments, guilt or folly.
Frances OsborneWhat you leave at your death, let it be without controversy, else the lawyers will be your heirs.
Frances OsborneI bear to the wisdom of Sir Philip Sidney, who said that next to hunting he liked hawking worst. However, though he may have fallen into as hyperbolical an extreme, yet who can put too great a scorn upon their folly, that, to bring home a rascal deer, or a few rotten conies, submit their lives to the will or passion of such as may take them under a penalty no less slight than there is discretion shown in exposing them.
Frances Osborne