It is a woman, and only a woman, — a woman all by herself, if she likes, and without any man to help her, — who can turn a house into a home.
Frances Power CobbeOur sex bears the disgrace not only of a great deal of genuine poltroonery, but also of much which is mere affectation.
Frances Power CobbeIt is in the faculty of noble, disinterested, unselfish love that lies the true gift and power of womanhood,--a power which makes us, not the equal of men (I never care to claim such equality), but their equivalents; more than their equivalents in a moral sense.
Frances Power CobbeMorality may exist in an atheist without any religion, and in a theist with a religion quite unspiritual.
Frances Power CobbeThis specter of the female politician, who abandons her family to neglect for the sake of passing bills in parliament, is just as complete an illusion of the masculine brain, as the other specter whom Sydney Smith laid by a joke,--the woman who would forsake an infant for a quadratic equation.
Frances Power Cobbe