Moral truth, resting entirely upon the ascertained consequences of actions, supposes a process of observation and reasoning.
Frances WrightThere is a vulgar persuasion, that the ignorance of women, by favoring their subordination, ensures their utility. 'Tis the same argument employed by the ruling few against the subject many in aristocracies; by the rich against the poor in democracies; by the learned professions against the people in all countries.
Frances WrightI am neither Jew nor Gentile, Mahomedan nor Theist; I am but a member of the human family.
Frances Wright... we have broken down the self-respecting spirit of man with nursery tales and priestly threats, and we dare to assert, that inproportion as we have prostrated our understanding and degraded our nature, we have exhibited virtue, wisdom, and happiness, in our words, our actions, and our lives!
Frances Wright