You're meant to have whatever your heart desires. Whatever your heart wants that much is already a part of you.
Francesca Lia BlockThis was not a fearie tale. This was not the movies. This was life. It hurt more. It was excruciating. It was excruciatingly beautiful.
Francesca Lia BlockMorning. Strawberry sky dusted with white winter powder sugar sun. And nobody to munch on it with
Francesca Lia BlockWrite with abandon and no constraints for first draft. Cut brutally and save in separate files on second draft. Add conflict; don't be afraid to make your characters suffer. Read what you love. Write what you love. Love.
Francesca Lia BlockIt's scary to become a woman in this world. We have to understand that some of the messages we get, messages that we are not enough, are there to keep our power in check. We can't buy into these messages.
Francesca Lia BlockIt's not that I literally think I'm a fearie. It's just that I feel so different from most people. And this idea of a race living underground in caverns, spending all their days dancing and playing the fiddle and eating flowers and reciting poetry and sharing their dreams, that to me sounds much more real than the way people live in this world, hating and fighting and wanting and hurting.
Francesca Lia Block