People usually think according to their inclinations, speak according to their learning and ingrained opinions, but generally act according to custom.
Francis BaconIt is good discretion not make too much of any man at the first; because one cannot hold out that proportion.
Francis BaconThose herbs which perfume the air most delightfully, not passed by as the rest, but, being trodden upon and crushed, are three; that is, burnet, wild thyme and watermints. Therefore, you are to set whole alleys of them, to have the pleasure when you walk or tread.
Francis BaconBelieving that I was born for the service of mankind, and regarding the care of the commonwealth as a kind of common property which, like the air and the water, belongs to everybody, I set myself to consider in what way mankind might be best served, and what service I was myself best fitted by nature to perform.
Francis Bacon