A person who is obsessed is characterized by committed, settled, passionate love for God, above and before every other thing and every other being.
Francis ChanBeing in war together may be what keeps us from being at war with each other. Rather than neglecting the battle to work on your marriage, maybe the best thing for your marriage is to enter the battlefield together.
Francis ChanParents are supposed to instruct their kids. It doesn't mean they necessarily have that gift of teaching.
Francis ChanIn our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him.
Francis ChanThe truth is that the Spirit of the living God is guaranteed to ask you to go somewhere or do something you wouldn't normally want or choose to do. The Spirit will lead you into the way of the cross, as He led Jesus to the cross, and that is definitely not a safe or pretty or comfortable place to be. The Holy Spirit of God will mold you into the person you were made to be.
Francis Chan