The inferiority of photographs to the best works of artists, so far as resemblance is concerned, lies in their catching no more than a single expression. If many photographs of a person were taken at different times, perhaps even years apart, their composite would possess that in which a single photograph is deficient.
Francis GaltonAll male animals, including men, when they are in love, are apt to behave in ways that seem ludicrous to bystanders.
Francis GaltonLife is a republic where the individuals are for the most part unconscious that while they are working for themselves they are also working for the public good.
Francis GaltonThe inferiority of photographs to the best works of artists, so far as resemblance is concerned, lies in their catching no more than a single expression. If many photographs of a person were taken at different times, perhaps even years apart, their composite would possess that in which a single photograph is deficient.
Francis GaltonThe conditions that direct the order of . . . the living world . . . are marked by their persistence in improving the birthright of successive generations.
Francis GaltonIt is notorious that the same discovery is frequently made simultaneously and quite independently, by different persons. Thus, to speak of only a few cases in late years, the discoveries of photography, of electric telegraphy, and of the planet Neptune through theoretical calculations, have all their rival claimants. It would seem, that discoveries are usually made when the time is ripe for them - that is to say, when the ideas from which they naturally flow are fermenting in the minds of many men.
Francis Galton