Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of their sex and turned them into inferior men.
Francis Parker YockeyAs a world view, Darwinism cannot of course be refuted, since Faith is, always has been, and always will be, stronger than facts
Francis Parker YockeyNo section of the American populace has been more completely deceived by the forces interested in keeping the truth from the people than America's youth.
Francis Parker YockeyThe important part of Marxism was its demand for active, constant, practical, class-war
Francis Parker YockeyAppalling numbers of youth have been led into a cynical ultra-sophisticated attitude which regards drinking as a badge of social aptitude, which makes a fetish of sport and professes eroticism as a way of life. A perverted and insane pictorial art, lewd exhibitionistic dancing and jungle music form the spiritual norm of this sector of America's youth.
Francis Parker Yockey