It is with certain good qualities as with the senses; those who have them not can neither appreciate nor comprehend them in others.
Francois de La RochefoucauldA man is ridiculous less through the characteristics he has than through those he affects to have.
Francois de La RochefoucauldOur actions seem to have their lucky and unlucky stars, to which a great part of that blame and that commendation is due which is given to the actions themselves.
Francois de La RochefoucauldSome men are like ballads, that are in everyone's mouth a little while.
Francois de La RochefoucauldIt is a mighty error to suppose that none but violent and strong passions, such as love and ambition, are able to vanquish the rest. Even idleness, as feeble and languishing as it is, sometimes reigns over them; it usurps the throne and sits paramount over all the designs and actions of our lives, and imperceptibly wastes and destroys all our passions and all our virtues.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld