The knowledge of the nature of a horse is one of the first foundations of the art if riding it, and every horseman must make it his principal study.
Francois Robichon de La GueriniereA light hand is one which never feels the contact of the bit with the bars.
Francois Robichon de La GueriniereNeither should, for the same reason, the lessons be for too long a period; they fatigue and bore a horse, and it should be returned to the stable with the same good spirits it had upon leaving it.
Francois Robichon de La GueriniereAbove all, a horse should never be chastised out of foul mood or anger, but always with complete dispassion.
Francois Robichon de La GueriniereGrace is so great an adornment for a rider, and at the same time so important a means to the knowledge of all that which is necessary for persons aspiring to become riders, that such persons should willingly sped the time required to obtain that quality at the outside of their endeavors.
Francois Robichon de La Gueriniere