Redd stared at the bald head bent down before her. How refreshing Vollrath's sacrifice was. He didn't beg for his life. He didn't embarrasss himself with groveling or sniveling, or appeals to her nomexistent mercy. Thinking that he might still be helpful in finding her Looking Glass Maze, she said, "I'm feeling generous today. You get to live.
Frank BeddorWithout a twich of exertion, Redd sealed his lips with glue. "Who wants to kill him?" The Cat raised a paw. Siren and Alistare raised their hands. "Mmmmmm mmm mmm," protested Jack.
Frank BeddorWhen I give the go ahead, go ahead," Alyss said, the jungle gym having come to a stop less than a gwormmy-length from her face. What? the four General Doppels cried at once. Run when I say so.
Frank Beddor