These humans are only of flesh, of mud, and I suggest there is one force stronger than their zeal for God: their own self-righteousness! We will make them proud, pure in their own eyes, vindictive, unjust judges over each other, and stir up such a noise among them that the simplest prayer will not be uttered!
Frank PerettiThese humans are only of flesh, of mud, and I suggest there is one force stronger than their zeal for God: their own self-righteousness! We will make them proud, pure in their own eyes, vindictive, unjust judges over each other, and stir up such a noise among them that the simplest prayer will not be uttered!
Frank PerettiComfort can be a dangerous thing. You stick around home all the time where itโs safe and nothing ever changes, and before you know it, you get set in your ways and you quit learning, you quit changing, you donโt grow anymore.
Frank Peretti