Parents vary in their sense of what would be suitable repayment for creating, sustaining, and tolerating you all those years, andwhat circumstances would be drastic enough for presenting the voucher. Obviously there is no repayment that would be sufficient . . . but the effort to call in the debt of life is too outrageous to be treated as anything other than a joke.
Frank PittmanOur father has an even more important function than modeling manhood for us. He is also the authority to let us relax the requirements of the masculine model: if our father accepts us, then that declares us masculine enough to join the company of men. We, in effect, have our diploma in masculinity and can go on to develop other skills.
Frank PittmanNo one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.
Frank PittmanParents can make us distrust ourselves. To them, we seem always to be works-in-progress.
Frank Pittman