... All these preparations clearly show that a human being must perfect himself in the physical world through his magical development in order to be prepared for the higher astral world after death.
Franz BardonHe who is going to be a magician will recognize that life is dependent on the work of the elements in the various planes and spheres. It is to be seen in great and in small things, in the microcosm as well as in the macrocosm, temporarily and eternally, everywhere there are powers in action.
Franz BardonA true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth.
Franz BardonOne must first become a magician before one he can become a Kabbalist. As a Kabbalist, one works differently and more advantageously.
Franz BardonThe sphere ... which is located beyond our physical world is called the earth zone. It is also known as the zone girdling the earth. This zone has varying degrees of density, the so-called sub-planes, into which human beings enter after they leave their physical bodies. This is the astral world that individuals enter into with their astral bodies after their physical death.
Franz Bardon