Love has as few problems as a motor car. The only problems are the driver, the passengers, and the road.
Franz KafkaBelieving means liberating the indestructible element in oneself, or, more accurately, liberating oneself, or, more accurately, being indestructible, or, more accurately, being.
Franz KafkaI wanted to escape the unrest, to shut out the voices around me and within me, so I write.
Franz KafkaEveryone strives to attain the Law,' answers the man, 'how does it come about, then, that in all these years no one has come seeking admittance but me?' The doorkeeper perceives that the man is nearing his end and his hearing is failing, so he bellows in his ear: 'No one but you could gain admittance through this door, since this door was intended for you. I am now going to shut it.
Franz Kafka