People who are creative often will spend hours doing something and come out of their period of creation and not even notice that hours have passed. In that sense, they're able to time travel.
Fred Alan WolfThe shamanic realm is to get you out of the word set. For skeptics, that's impossible, and they just can't see that and it just makes no sense.
Fred Alan WolfWhat is the relationship of the obvious things that we see around us to the things that we believe we understand within ourselves? This is the ancient alchemical formula: "as above, so below, as within, so without."
Fred Alan WolfI want to explain the new alchemy [in the "From Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to a New Vision of Mind and Time"], which has to do with understanding what I call the subjective and objective qualities of existence.
Fred Alan WolfLearning to see love and to express that love is the purpose of living this life. What's real has love at its heart; the universe is constructed from love, and that love is very much tied to our power of attention and imagination.
Fred Alan WolfIt's very frustrating if you've never had an experience and somebody comes up to you and says, "I've just been on a flying saucer." Your tendency is to think, "Oh, this guy must be wacko, nuts, having an hallucination. None of that can be true because none of that has ever happened to me."
Fred Alan Wolf