Holiness is religious principle put into motion. It is the love of God sent forth into circulation, on the feet, and with the hands of love to men. It is faith gone to work. It is charity coined into actions, and devotion breathing benedictions on human suffering, while it goes up in intercession to the Father of all piety.
Frederic Dan HuntingtonTrue grace is natural, not artificial, because, however strenuously you strive to gain it, when it is gained it never gives the impression of effort or straining for effect.
Frederic Dan HuntingtonBehavior is the perpetual revealing of us. What a man does, tells us what he is.
Frederic Dan HuntingtonConsciously, distinctly, resolutely, habitually, we need to give ourselves, our business, our interests, our families, our affections, into the Spirit's hands, to lead and fashion us as He will. When we work with the current of that Divine will, all is vital, efficient, fruitful.
Frederic Dan HuntingtonChristendom, as an effect, must be accounted for. It is too large for a mortal cause.
Frederic Dan HuntingtonIt appears to me that, even within the recollection of living men, the Christian faith has come to be less and less regarded as a commanding and mighty power from heaven, a voice of authority, a law of holy life, but more and more as an easy going guide to future enjoyment, to a universal happiness and an indiscriminate salvation.
Frederic Dan Huntington