[...] endless action and reaction. Those beautifully rounded pebbles which you gather on the sand and which you hold in your hand and marvel at their exceeding smoothness, were chiseled into their varies and graceful forms by the ceaseless action of countless waves. Nature is herself a great worker and never tolerates, without certain rebuke, any contradiction to her wise example. Inaction is followed by stagnation. Stagnation is followed by pestilence and pestilence is followed by death.
Frederick DouglassPoverty, ignorance and degradation are the combined evils, these constitute the social disease of the free colored people of the US.
Frederick DouglassThe man who will get up will be helped up; and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down.
Frederick DouglassThe law on the side of freedom is of great advantage only when there is power to make that law respected.
Frederick DouglassMen and women, old and young, married and single, were ranked with horses, sheep, and swine
Frederick DouglassE have men sold to build churches, women sold to support the gospel, and babes sold to purchase Bibles for the poor heathen, all for the glory of God and the good of souls. The slave auctioneer's bell and the church-going bell chime in with each other, and the bitter cries of the heart-broken slave are drowned in the religious shouts of his pious master. Revivals of religion and revivals in the slave trade go hand in hand.
Frederick Douglass