Democracy is essentially a means, a utilitarian device for safeguarding internal peace and individual freedom. As such it is by no means infallible or certain. Nor must we forget that there has often been much more cultural and spiritual freedom under an autocratic rule than under some democracies and it is at least conceivable that under the government of a very homogeneous and doctrinaire majority democratic government might be as oppressive as the worst dictatorship.
Friedrich August von HayekNever will man penetrate deeper into error than when he is continuing on a road which has led him to great success
Friedrich August von HayekThe state itself becomes more and more identified with the interests of those who run things than with the interests of the people in general.
Friedrich August von HayekNobody with open eyes can any longer doubt that the danger to personal freedom comes chiefly from the left.
Friedrich August von HayekThe greatest danger to liberty today comes from the men who are most needed and most powerful in modern government, namely, the efficient expert administrators exclusively concerned with what they regard as the public good.
Friedrich August von Hayek