I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.
Friedrich NietzscheModeration sees itself as beautiful; it is unaware that in the eye of the immoderate it appears black and sober and consequently ugly-looking.
Friedrich NietzscheThe sensible author writes for no other posterity than his own--that is, for his age--so as to be able even then to take pleasurein himself.
Friedrich NietzscheAssuming that rapture is nature's play with man, the Dionysian artist's creative activity is the play with rapture.
Friedrich NietzscheDifferent types of dangerous lives-You have no idea what you are living through; you rush through life as if you were drunk and now and then fall down some staircase. But thanks to your drunkenness you never break a limb; your muscles are too relaxed and your brain too benighted for you to find the stones of these stairs as hard as we do.
Friedrich Nietzsche