But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful! Distrust all those who talk much of their justice!
Friedrich NietzscheWhen an idea is just rising on the horizon, the soul's temperature with respect to it is usually very cold. Only gradually does the idea develop its warmth, and it is hottest (which is to say, exerting its greatest influence) when belief in the idea is already once again in decline.
Friedrich NietzscheIf we have our own why of life, we shall get along with almost any how. Man does not strive for pleasure; only the Englishman does.
Friedrich NietzscheAll preachers of morality, as also all theologians have a bad habit in common: all of them try to persuade man that he is very ill, and that a severe, final, radical cure is necessary.
Friedrich Nietzsche